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Top Trade Local Leaflets

Designed printed and delivered through the doors of 15,000 potential customers in East Kilbride.

Prices from only £52!

Local Leaflets Work

Not everyone uses Google, many people rely on leaflets coming through their letterbox to find tradespeople in their local area. Make sure you don’t miss out on these potential customers and secure your advert space today.

Reach 15’000 potential customers in East Kilbride

Top Trade East Kilbride

  • 15,000 copies delivered to homes in East Kilbride
  • 6 issues per year
  • Eye catching A4 leaflet
  • Free artwork and design
  • Max 2 types of each trade per issue
  • Free feature on our Website and Facebook Page

Advertise at key times in the year for your business or take advantage of the free advert when you sign up for the year! 

Why Choose Top Trade Marketing?


We have years of experience in Marketing and through our trade clients we know there is still a strong place for print marketing. We have seen the business they can generate from a leaflet or brochure and often when we’ve got in touch to advertise in similar style brochures they have been full.

This is simply because they work so well and people book up quickly for the year! Not everyone looks online for Trade! 

As well as producing the brochure we will be ‘marketing our brochure’ – this means we will be shouting about ‘Top Trade East Kilbride’ and ensuring it’s known in businesses and households around East Kilbride.

Top Trade East Kilbride is your complete comprehensive guide of trusted local trades and services, from plumbing, roofing, car repairs and cleaning to kitchens, bathrooms and flooring.

Secure your space today

Space in our brochure is limited and gets booked up fast. Remember max 2 types of your trade per issue, so act fast and book your advert today.